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因为绿地是我们最著名的城市空间之一, it’s important that people of all ages and abilities are given the opportunity to relax, 玩, 和享受.

Erinn McKinney著



Public green spaces are some of the most cherished areas of our cities and are often where people seek refuge from chaotic urban life. While parks offer many city dwellers a space to relax and 玩, 不是每个人都有这样的机会. For the millions of people with disabilities, urban parks can be challenging and inaccessible spaces.

根据 加拿大会议局, “the number of Canadians living with a physical disability that impairs their mobility, 愿景, 或者听力从2上升.900万至300万.在接下来的13年里会有600万.” This rate of growth is over double the pace of the population for the country as a whole. 出于这个原因, urban designers and landscape architects need to design areas where Canada’s current—and future—disabled populations cannot only enjoy, 但茁壮成长.

Landscape Design Principles that Focus on 安全 and Movement

安全, 安慰, and flexibility are important factors to consider when designing public green space as people with physical disabilities often rely on their hands or feet to interact with the outside world. By tweaking certain design principles to accommodate those needs, we can construct outside areas that facilitate user movement and overall safety.

材质: Varying ground textures can be used to help physically challenged individuals orient themselves more easily. 地表变化, 比如鹅卵石的使用, can indicate whether or not a space may be unsafe and indicate if a roadway lies ahead for example. 此外, 特殊的纹理可以预示即将到来的地标, 比如公共艺术, or warn of upcoming infrastructure like bicycle stands or planters.

植物的选择: Beautification choices can double as a way to enhance the experience of visually impaired users. 而不是仅仅关注外表, plants can be chosen for their scents and the animals they attract; both of which can make spaces feel more attractive to people with disabilities. Certain smells can help users navigate their environment and make spaces more enjoyable for people who are more attuned to smell. 对于那些听觉敏感的人, plants that attract certain animals such as specific birds can provide audible 安慰. 增强视觉效果, bright colored flora can offer a more distinct contrast against a traditionally dark, 绿色的环境.

除了增加绿色空间的整体外观和感觉, plants can also act as critical reference points that allow users to experience the area in their own way.

障碍: A barrier-free environment is a safe one, though not all curbs can be avoided. Providing curb ramps is essential to making spaces that are the most inclusive if a physical barrier is needed. Ramp slopes should be designed in accordance to local guidelines, 这样就不会产生不安全的访问路由. Green space should encourage physically challenged individuals to enjoy urban nature and should be accessible by means of ramps and pathways.

Public parks and urban green spaces should ideally be free of restrictions, 然而, 许多现有的设计选择不鼓励某些群体使用. 通过包容性设计, landscape architects and designers can enhance park experience and usership by both disabled and non-disabled people. 因为绿地是我们最著名的城市空间之一, it’s important that people of all ages and abilities are given the opportunity to relax, 玩, 和享受.


图片由 Yomex Owo on Unsplash
